Saturday, March 15, 2008

What Land??

The Lord said to Moses I have heard the cries of my people in the land of Egypt. Now what most people forget is that the Lord prophesied that he would make them a great nation in Egypt. He even said how long the time in captivity would last. The story of ancient Israel is a treasure for us today! There is such richness, such timely lessons for today and guidance for tomorrow.

I see the grace of God in the three lands of ancient Israel. Those lands were Egypt, the wilderness, and the land of promise. God in his love for us has given us himself in so many way's to show his grace it is mind blowing to me. His word is amazing! What a deposit of grace and what a gift to his Bride. Thank You Lord for revealing yourself to us through your eternal word.

Let me encourage you today in your pilgrimage as a child of God that you look for and appreciate the grace of God no matter which country you are currently in. You may not be fully out of Egypt or you may be in the wilderness but let me say that you can only move forward as you find and acknowledge the grace of God in your life. What good is God doing in your life? If you struggle with that answer then let me suggest you take some time for a talk with God. Renew a right spirit in me should be the focus of our prayer when we struggle to answer the above question. Create in me a new heart O' God and show me God the fullness of your grace in the land I am in. Have a good time finding God in the land you live in and he will provide wisdom for how long to stay in that land and when to move on out of Egypt or the wilderness.....But do not despise where you are IF it is a place God has you hemmed in to learn to find him and obey him and trust him. Remember the Hebrews were in Egypt to become a great nation! You have greatness inside of you ready to shine as you blossom into the plan and will of God in your life. Seek Him today and enjoy His Grace! Brian

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