Friday, March 14, 2008

Part III GIrgashite Spirit

Remember God has delivered us from the slavery of sin, our spiritual Egypt. But God has not saved us to die in the wilderness as were the complaints of the Israelites to Moses and by default God himself. How often can our natural senses of our sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell make us long for the wrong things of our old master. Even our faith is tested by that Girgashite spirit in our soul. (Mind, Will and Emotions) Remember that this is an earthly minded spirit that detests and even hates the things of God's Spirit.

I find that the tough economic times we all are facing with higher prices on things that we all need to live will turn our mind into trying to naturally figure it all out and how We will make it work. Gas is $3.25 a gallon for regular and groceries are up more than 20% from this time last year. Insurance rates are increasing and property tax's are up. Energy costs in the state of Pennsylvania are going up every year and in the year 2011 are going to increase more than 50% when the governmental caps are removed. All this and the dollar shifting to a value worse than ever in our history is enough to test our faith.

A person with a Girgshite spirit becomes uneasy very easily when these events unfold. This person will also run and try to figure out a way to stay ahead and work themselves into a frenzy till the crisis is over. You know if there is a test of our faith there is a way to stay in the perfect will of God through the storm. I know the American way is to work, work and work some more when we need money. I'm not saying that is not what God would want of us but to trust him in what to do and even what job we should have and what expenditures we should make would be a nice step in making him Lord and not just Savior. To have the gift of His peace in the storm and to let that peace guide our paths as we acknowledge our need for the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us. Again the brother Hittite (fear) will be close by the Girgishite (earthly minded) spirit to keep you from victory in your soul.

Can I make a bold statement??? The Lord prayed that God's will be done, and His Kingdom come HERE on Earth as it is in Heaven....Right? We are also promised that we will rule and reign here with Christ....Right?? I hope you said yes! Now here is my statement. I believe we are called to rule and reign with the power and authority of Christ in OUR OWN LIVES HERE ON EARTH AS IT WILL BE IN HEAVEN! How? Defeat the enemies of your soul and give them no life as we have been learning about since this blog began. The enemies of Deuteronomy 7 need to go from our lives so we can rule with Christ. Digest that for awhile and give me your thoughts and comments. Don't run back to Egypt and your old master of being a slave to fear and relying on your own understanding. Increase in faith by praying in the Spirit! Seek out God's plan and seek the counsel of spiritual fathers in your life. You can do it! Brian

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