Saturday, March 8, 2008

Girgashite Spirit Part I

The tribe of Canaan that I see alive today in the church that the Lord warned us against and like the nation of Israel need to defeat are the Girgashites. Deuteronomy 7:1 lists them as the second nation that the Lord would hand over and prepare for defeat. The concordance defines girgashite as one who dwells in clay or earthiness.

Now I can tell you that nothing grows in clay except weeds and if you have ever planted in clay soil and have had good results let me know. So a person who's soul is attacked by this spirit is robbed of anything of God's Spirit as told to us by Jesus in the parable of the seed it can not grow. A person who is so earthly minded they are no heavenly good is another way of seeing a person under this spirit.

Have you ever been in a meeting at church or in a small group and the Spirit of the Lord was moving and then someone disrupted the moment by getting up and leaving? I've seen what seems like a marching band in a parade stand up and go out of the sanctuary when the Spirit moves. Some people get up to go to the bathroom. Others go and check on their children in the nursery or Sunday school class while others just get up and leave all together. Why? The Girgishite spirit can not accept the LIFE of God and His Spirit. Life other than what can be experienced through natural senses makes this person uncomfortable.

Today as instructed of the Lord we must totally defeat the enemy of the Girgishite in our lives and in our congregations. Now I am not a believer in giving any glory to the enemy or even focusing my prayers in that manner. Let me encourage you today to bring the word of the Lord near to you and get this scripture of instruction to take the promise into you and let God be God. What we have done in cultural Christianity is to cultivate an atmosphere of comfort for people in our services and not an atmosphere where the Spirit of the Living God is free to manifest and show up. Let me say that I am trying to have the Holy Spirit be my best friend here on earth and I want my best friend to be welcome in church. We let the spirit of the Hittite (Fear) determine how we deal with the spirit of the Girgishite (carnality) in our church to make them "Seeker" friendly.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is FREEDOM! There is a Holy and healthy fear of the Lord and that should be our only fear. This week drive out not only fear but the worries of this world and all earthly thoughts that would keep you away and separated from the move and power of God in your day and in your cooperate service. If you get uncomfortable when the Spirit of the Lord takes over or shows up fight the Girgishite spirit by letting God cultivate and break up the clay soil and add rich soil to your soul. That means staying still and not running away in your physical body or in your mind and let the things that removed you from His presence melt away. Have a great Lords Day everyone! He is highly exalted and worthy of all Praise. Amen!

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