Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pearls before Swine?

Remember the Girgishite Spirit is about earthly matters so much that it can not contain the things of God's Spirit. What I am about to say will probably be deemed controversial and hateful but let me say my life is not aimed at either. I am writing this from many years of finding the resource of God's people and of the church wasted on fighting what we have not been called to fight. Therefore these resources have been wasted and frustration has battled individual Christians and the body of Christ.

OK Brian what are you talking about, you may be asking? Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." (Matthew 7:6). These are the words of Jesus. He knew in our compassion and eagerness to share the gospel that we would also get bogged down trying to save that one that is not ready for Him or should I say not ready to stop living a life devoted to anything but themselves. Again, the Girgishite spirit can waste and ruin a church's time, talent and treasure.

A dog cares not whether his meal comes from a holy alter of worship or the garbage pits of hell. A pig does not appreciate the value, beauty and time it took to make a pearl as it watches it thrown carelessly at its feet. Yet we lack the wisdom of when to pour out and when to withdrawal as exampled by Christ himself as he faced similar situations. Your life, time, energy, opportunities and abilities are God's pearls. They're His! Amen! You and I are merely His stewards overseeing His possessions (1 Corinthians 6:19,20; 4:1,2; 1 Peter 4:8-11). Yet out of confusion of not understanding our limitations and the instruction's of God we waste them and fall flat, exhausted and ready to throw in the towel and settle for something less than what the promise of God is for us and our churches. Can I say something here? STOP IT!!!!

Jesus also said this: "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore, be shrewd as serpents, and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 I believe we have been out of balance in this equation for to long. We have not walked in the shrewdness Jesus has said we could and all the while his prophesy of sheep being in the midst of wolves has overtaken us. We are not protected from the wolves if we are not obedient and trusting in Him in that time. Staying innocent as doves mean we may feel really bad when we have to walk away but we have used the wisdom of God not as an excuse to not do something but to let God deal with that person or that situation some more until it is ready for heavenly treasure. All the while we can feel safe that we obeyed the instruction of our Lord and remain innocent with clean hands.

Christian, if you are feeling low on batteries today let me suggest you go to the storehouse of God and renew your strength. Learn how to recognize the Girgashite spirit alive in someone that you may be dealing with that is draining you and pray for that heavenly shrewdness of how to expend the treasure of heaven. Have a great day in the Lord! Brian PS. Did I mention that many times these people are in our family or inside our church walls?? I'll write more on this next time.....

1 comment:

Tina Louise said...

That was very encouraging. I have definitely been guilty in the past of this especially with some family members. For me, I would always feel guilty if I didn't help them or had to say no. I would spend excessive amounts of time on the phone couseling them only to have them go and do the opposite. Very frustrating and disheartening indeed. I'm happy to report that the Lord has set me free to say no without guilt. And He is teaching me to guard my time, talents, and treasures and to use them where He wills and purposes. Thanks for the pep talk hon!