Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Hittite Spirit Part II

I've heard it said that you can't make peace with an enemy who is not defeated. What you get instead of peace is a cease fire which let's the enemy regroup and attack another day. As Christians we have traded victory for a false sense of peace that later has bubbled back to battles and wars in our lives.

The wisdom of God in his instructions to the Israelites to defeat the Canaanite tribes totally and completely should be heeded by us today. Even in our own homes we want what looks like peace because we are battle weary and need a rest so we live in the land of "Compromise". Ever been there? I'm sure you have. It's the place the enemy of our soul gives us rest because we have given up the attack on his kingdom. I'm sure that is why Jesus said lukewarm commitment makes him nauseous.

I marvel at the wisdom of the Bible and how when we seek its truth like treasure everything makes perfect harmonious sense. The fact that the first enemy of our soul and in the land were the Hittites. Remember they represent fear and terror. We find it easier to avoid things that we fear even if it is something we know the Lord is calling us to do. For me fear of the unknown has been an enemy in my life. I'm a creature of habit and get comfortable to easy when I live in the land of compromise. Peace only comes from God and not our mind and intellect's ability to reason our way back to comfort. Remember if happiness were a choice and within our ability to choose we as human beings would ALWAYS make that choice! Let me encourage you to not be satisfied until you hear the Lord say well done! Don't let fear stop you today from doing what the gentle voice and leading of the Holy Spirit wants to do in you and through you. We can get out of the land of compromise that is a spiritual dessert only through exercising our faith in obedience. Easier said than done, yes, but we have to make that choice! Go out and kick some Hittite butt today and let me know how God is preparing your enemy for defeat by adding comments to this entry. It's easy to do. Just click on comment below and when prompted log into your Google account. Don't have a Google account then make one free and then finish with your comments. Thanks and have a great day in the Lord! Brian

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