Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Part II Girgashite Spirit

So each day that goes by is a way for us to reflect and learn from what went right and what went, well, not so right. I am guilty of not walking in the spirit and letting that gentle voice guide me and instruct me in all things. The Girgishite Spirit can get our attention so focused on what we see around us that we become judge and King of what we take in. That my friends is a dangerous place to be!

How many times have we judged the Sunday service at church sifted through our earthly attitudes? That was a good service or that was a bad service or Pastor was good or Pastor had a bad day are thoughts we all have had. Worship was good or worship stunk. They did to many fast songs or too many slow songs or the music was to loud or to soft. I love this one...Other people just weren't joining in and doing their part! Hello? Who appointed us Judge and King?

Jesus said that a time is coming and is now that the Father is looking for people that would worship in Spirit and in Truth. So what part of who we are, (Body, Soul and Spirit) makes the call on what the outcome of the service was? The Soul is made up of the mind, will and emotions. It's in this part of who we are that the Girgashite Spirit attacks. We judge those things of our service by how our Soul responds forgetting that the service is not about us to begin with. The whole service is an act of worship or it should be. Our entire day is an act of worship or so it should be. Our entire life is an opportunity to serve the Lord of Lords in worship as we present our lives as living sacrifice to the Father.

I've never seen a sacrifice dictate to how it should look or feel while it was being offered up. Isaac never said a word to Abraham as he put him on the alter. Jesus as he presented himself as the final atonement for you and me surrendered more than we could ever know or imagine to satisfy the wrath of the Father for our sins. We need to defeat this selfish attitude of the Girgashite in ourselves and our church so we can become the worshippers God is looking for. We can do it! What are your thoughts?? Let me know. Brian

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