Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pearls before Swine?

Remember the Girgishite Spirit is about earthly matters so much that it can not contain the things of God's Spirit. What I am about to say will probably be deemed controversial and hateful but let me say my life is not aimed at either. I am writing this from many years of finding the resource of God's people and of the church wasted on fighting what we have not been called to fight. Therefore these resources have been wasted and frustration has battled individual Christians and the body of Christ.

OK Brian what are you talking about, you may be asking? Do not give what is holy to dogs, and do not throw pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces." (Matthew 7:6). These are the words of Jesus. He knew in our compassion and eagerness to share the gospel that we would also get bogged down trying to save that one that is not ready for Him or should I say not ready to stop living a life devoted to anything but themselves. Again, the Girgishite spirit can waste and ruin a church's time, talent and treasure.

A dog cares not whether his meal comes from a holy alter of worship or the garbage pits of hell. A pig does not appreciate the value, beauty and time it took to make a pearl as it watches it thrown carelessly at its feet. Yet we lack the wisdom of when to pour out and when to withdrawal as exampled by Christ himself as he faced similar situations. Your life, time, energy, opportunities and abilities are God's pearls. They're His! Amen! You and I are merely His stewards overseeing His possessions (1 Corinthians 6:19,20; 4:1,2; 1 Peter 4:8-11). Yet out of confusion of not understanding our limitations and the instruction's of God we waste them and fall flat, exhausted and ready to throw in the towel and settle for something less than what the promise of God is for us and our churches. Can I say something here? STOP IT!!!!

Jesus also said this: "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; therefore, be shrewd as serpents, and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 I believe we have been out of balance in this equation for to long. We have not walked in the shrewdness Jesus has said we could and all the while his prophesy of sheep being in the midst of wolves has overtaken us. We are not protected from the wolves if we are not obedient and trusting in Him in that time. Staying innocent as doves mean we may feel really bad when we have to walk away but we have used the wisdom of God not as an excuse to not do something but to let God deal with that person or that situation some more until it is ready for heavenly treasure. All the while we can feel safe that we obeyed the instruction of our Lord and remain innocent with clean hands.

Christian, if you are feeling low on batteries today let me suggest you go to the storehouse of God and renew your strength. Learn how to recognize the Girgashite spirit alive in someone that you may be dealing with that is draining you and pray for that heavenly shrewdness of how to expend the treasure of heaven. Have a great day in the Lord! Brian PS. Did I mention that many times these people are in our family or inside our church walls?? I'll write more on this next time.....

Saturday, March 15, 2008

What Land??

The Lord said to Moses I have heard the cries of my people in the land of Egypt. Now what most people forget is that the Lord prophesied that he would make them a great nation in Egypt. He even said how long the time in captivity would last. The story of ancient Israel is a treasure for us today! There is such richness, such timely lessons for today and guidance for tomorrow.

I see the grace of God in the three lands of ancient Israel. Those lands were Egypt, the wilderness, and the land of promise. God in his love for us has given us himself in so many way's to show his grace it is mind blowing to me. His word is amazing! What a deposit of grace and what a gift to his Bride. Thank You Lord for revealing yourself to us through your eternal word.

Let me encourage you today in your pilgrimage as a child of God that you look for and appreciate the grace of God no matter which country you are currently in. You may not be fully out of Egypt or you may be in the wilderness but let me say that you can only move forward as you find and acknowledge the grace of God in your life. What good is God doing in your life? If you struggle with that answer then let me suggest you take some time for a talk with God. Renew a right spirit in me should be the focus of our prayer when we struggle to answer the above question. Create in me a new heart O' God and show me God the fullness of your grace in the land I am in. Have a good time finding God in the land you live in and he will provide wisdom for how long to stay in that land and when to move on out of Egypt or the wilderness.....But do not despise where you are IF it is a place God has you hemmed in to learn to find him and obey him and trust him. Remember the Hebrews were in Egypt to become a great nation! You have greatness inside of you ready to shine as you blossom into the plan and will of God in your life. Seek Him today and enjoy His Grace! Brian

Friday, March 14, 2008

Part III GIrgashite Spirit

Remember God has delivered us from the slavery of sin, our spiritual Egypt. But God has not saved us to die in the wilderness as were the complaints of the Israelites to Moses and by default God himself. How often can our natural senses of our sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell make us long for the wrong things of our old master. Even our faith is tested by that Girgashite spirit in our soul. (Mind, Will and Emotions) Remember that this is an earthly minded spirit that detests and even hates the things of God's Spirit.

I find that the tough economic times we all are facing with higher prices on things that we all need to live will turn our mind into trying to naturally figure it all out and how We will make it work. Gas is $3.25 a gallon for regular and groceries are up more than 20% from this time last year. Insurance rates are increasing and property tax's are up. Energy costs in the state of Pennsylvania are going up every year and in the year 2011 are going to increase more than 50% when the governmental caps are removed. All this and the dollar shifting to a value worse than ever in our history is enough to test our faith.

A person with a Girgshite spirit becomes uneasy very easily when these events unfold. This person will also run and try to figure out a way to stay ahead and work themselves into a frenzy till the crisis is over. You know if there is a test of our faith there is a way to stay in the perfect will of God through the storm. I know the American way is to work, work and work some more when we need money. I'm not saying that is not what God would want of us but to trust him in what to do and even what job we should have and what expenditures we should make would be a nice step in making him Lord and not just Savior. To have the gift of His peace in the storm and to let that peace guide our paths as we acknowledge our need for the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us. Again the brother Hittite (fear) will be close by the Girgishite (earthly minded) spirit to keep you from victory in your soul.

Can I make a bold statement??? The Lord prayed that God's will be done, and His Kingdom come HERE on Earth as it is in Heaven....Right? We are also promised that we will rule and reign here with Christ....Right?? I hope you said yes! Now here is my statement. I believe we are called to rule and reign with the power and authority of Christ in OUR OWN LIVES HERE ON EARTH AS IT WILL BE IN HEAVEN! How? Defeat the enemies of your soul and give them no life as we have been learning about since this blog began. The enemies of Deuteronomy 7 need to go from our lives so we can rule with Christ. Digest that for awhile and give me your thoughts and comments. Don't run back to Egypt and your old master of being a slave to fear and relying on your own understanding. Increase in faith by praying in the Spirit! Seek out God's plan and seek the counsel of spiritual fathers in your life. You can do it! Brian

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Part II Girgashite Spirit

So each day that goes by is a way for us to reflect and learn from what went right and what went, well, not so right. I am guilty of not walking in the spirit and letting that gentle voice guide me and instruct me in all things. The Girgishite Spirit can get our attention so focused on what we see around us that we become judge and King of what we take in. That my friends is a dangerous place to be!

How many times have we judged the Sunday service at church sifted through our earthly attitudes? That was a good service or that was a bad service or Pastor was good or Pastor had a bad day are thoughts we all have had. Worship was good or worship stunk. They did to many fast songs or too many slow songs or the music was to loud or to soft. I love this one...Other people just weren't joining in and doing their part! Hello? Who appointed us Judge and King?

Jesus said that a time is coming and is now that the Father is looking for people that would worship in Spirit and in Truth. So what part of who we are, (Body, Soul and Spirit) makes the call on what the outcome of the service was? The Soul is made up of the mind, will and emotions. It's in this part of who we are that the Girgashite Spirit attacks. We judge those things of our service by how our Soul responds forgetting that the service is not about us to begin with. The whole service is an act of worship or it should be. Our entire day is an act of worship or so it should be. Our entire life is an opportunity to serve the Lord of Lords in worship as we present our lives as living sacrifice to the Father.

I've never seen a sacrifice dictate to how it should look or feel while it was being offered up. Isaac never said a word to Abraham as he put him on the alter. Jesus as he presented himself as the final atonement for you and me surrendered more than we could ever know or imagine to satisfy the wrath of the Father for our sins. We need to defeat this selfish attitude of the Girgashite in ourselves and our church so we can become the worshippers God is looking for. We can do it! What are your thoughts?? Let me know. Brian

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Girgashite Spirit Part I

The tribe of Canaan that I see alive today in the church that the Lord warned us against and like the nation of Israel need to defeat are the Girgashites. Deuteronomy 7:1 lists them as the second nation that the Lord would hand over and prepare for defeat. The concordance defines girgashite as one who dwells in clay or earthiness.

Now I can tell you that nothing grows in clay except weeds and if you have ever planted in clay soil and have had good results let me know. So a person who's soul is attacked by this spirit is robbed of anything of God's Spirit as told to us by Jesus in the parable of the seed it can not grow. A person who is so earthly minded they are no heavenly good is another way of seeing a person under this spirit.

Have you ever been in a meeting at church or in a small group and the Spirit of the Lord was moving and then someone disrupted the moment by getting up and leaving? I've seen what seems like a marching band in a parade stand up and go out of the sanctuary when the Spirit moves. Some people get up to go to the bathroom. Others go and check on their children in the nursery or Sunday school class while others just get up and leave all together. Why? The Girgishite spirit can not accept the LIFE of God and His Spirit. Life other than what can be experienced through natural senses makes this person uncomfortable.

Today as instructed of the Lord we must totally defeat the enemy of the Girgishite in our lives and in our congregations. Now I am not a believer in giving any glory to the enemy or even focusing my prayers in that manner. Let me encourage you today to bring the word of the Lord near to you and get this scripture of instruction to take the promise into you and let God be God. What we have done in cultural Christianity is to cultivate an atmosphere of comfort for people in our services and not an atmosphere where the Spirit of the Living God is free to manifest and show up. Let me say that I am trying to have the Holy Spirit be my best friend here on earth and I want my best friend to be welcome in church. We let the spirit of the Hittite (Fear) determine how we deal with the spirit of the Girgishite (carnality) in our church to make them "Seeker" friendly.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is FREEDOM! There is a Holy and healthy fear of the Lord and that should be our only fear. This week drive out not only fear but the worries of this world and all earthly thoughts that would keep you away and separated from the move and power of God in your day and in your cooperate service. If you get uncomfortable when the Spirit of the Lord takes over or shows up fight the Girgishite spirit by letting God cultivate and break up the clay soil and add rich soil to your soul. That means staying still and not running away in your physical body or in your mind and let the things that removed you from His presence melt away. Have a great Lords Day everyone! He is highly exalted and worthy of all Praise. Amen!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Hittite Spirit Part II

I've heard it said that you can't make peace with an enemy who is not defeated. What you get instead of peace is a cease fire which let's the enemy regroup and attack another day. As Christians we have traded victory for a false sense of peace that later has bubbled back to battles and wars in our lives.

The wisdom of God in his instructions to the Israelites to defeat the Canaanite tribes totally and completely should be heeded by us today. Even in our own homes we want what looks like peace because we are battle weary and need a rest so we live in the land of "Compromise". Ever been there? I'm sure you have. It's the place the enemy of our soul gives us rest because we have given up the attack on his kingdom. I'm sure that is why Jesus said lukewarm commitment makes him nauseous.

I marvel at the wisdom of the Bible and how when we seek its truth like treasure everything makes perfect harmonious sense. The fact that the first enemy of our soul and in the land were the Hittites. Remember they represent fear and terror. We find it easier to avoid things that we fear even if it is something we know the Lord is calling us to do. For me fear of the unknown has been an enemy in my life. I'm a creature of habit and get comfortable to easy when I live in the land of compromise. Peace only comes from God and not our mind and intellect's ability to reason our way back to comfort. Remember if happiness were a choice and within our ability to choose we as human beings would ALWAYS make that choice! Let me encourage you to not be satisfied until you hear the Lord say well done! Don't let fear stop you today from doing what the gentle voice and leading of the Holy Spirit wants to do in you and through you. We can get out of the land of compromise that is a spiritual dessert only through exercising our faith in obedience. Easier said than done, yes, but we have to make that choice! Go out and kick some Hittite butt today and let me know how God is preparing your enemy for defeat by adding comments to this entry. It's easy to do. Just click on comment below and when prompted log into your Google account. Don't have a Google account then make one free and then finish with your comments. Thanks and have a great day in the Lord! Brian

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Living Part 8-The Hittites

So the first tribe we come to in Deuteronomy 7:1 are the Hittites. There is a teaching that say's there is an order of prominence in lists like this found in the Bible. In other words the significance of order gives more importance to the first name in the list as the more prominent or important. So take special attention to the spiritual enemy that is represented by the Hittites.

The name Hittite means sons of terror or fear. Fear will stop you from acting on what God has commanded or called you to do. I find it interesting that after Moses gave the nation of Israel this blueprint for acquiring the land of promise that we find God assuring Joshua in Joshua 1 verse 3-5 one again. In this encouragement God is giving Joshua the ultimate pep talk and in that he only mentions the land of the Hittites and not the others as we saw in Deuteronomy 7. Why? Fear will stop you in your tracks. Fear will cripple you from acting and even defeat you before the battle begins.

To enter into the full promise of God we have to let God remove all fear from us. Remember we wrestle not against flesh and blood and the unnatural fear in our life is not from God. God has not given us a spirit of fear but one of power, love and a sound mind. He that dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father.

Fear is actually faith in the power of our adversary the Devil and not of God. Anything that is not of faith in God is sin. The best encouragement I can give you is that the price has been paid for your freedom because the word of God say's where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom. Freedom from fear is yours and part of the promise of God as you tell the Hittite spirit that can come against your soul (mind, emotion and will) to go in the name of Jesus! Get rid of the squatter that is in your land of promise and defeat him by the blood of the lamb and power of his testimony. Have a great day in the Lord and be strong in the power of his might!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Living Part 7 The Puzzle

Ok, so here we go. Can you imagine being in this group of people who were getting ready to go and take the promise they have heard about for years and years? What would it look like? How soon Lord? What price? Can you imagine the excitement of finally doing something instead of wandering in the desert? I'm sure you can, as many of us have been wandering in a spiritual desert trying to force the promise on ourselves as if we had the power to it. If we had the ability within ourselves to be happy all the time wouldn't it makes sense that we would choose that? If we had the ability to walk right into the promise of God (we'll discuss what that is) on our own wouldn't we?

We have in my opinion been walking in our own abilities to long. Let me paint a picture of what I mean. Have you ever done a jigsaw puzzle of 1000 pieces or more? Oh, the picture on the box is so cool and you start out with very good intentions to finish. Then a busy life takes you away and the pieces get put back in the box. This happens again and again until one day we say I'm going to get the puzzle out and this time I mean business. The ambition is there and after some time you notice some pieces are missing. You are clever and crafty so that is not going to get in the way of you finishing this puzzle so you get a cardboard box and a sharp exacto knife and make the missing pieces yourself. You even pain them and shalack them, place them in the empty spots and then present your finished puzzle as complete, frame it and display it for all to see. But when you look real close you can tell somethings wrong with the picture so you hide it or cover that part of the picture up. You shine a display light on the parts that look right and leave the others in the shadow. Hmmmm. Sounds like how we put our christian life of understanding together.

I live my life by the scripture that say's in all things gain understanding. In other words I would have called the manufacturer of the puzzle to see if I could have bought the missing pieces or if the puzzle was available in its entirity for purchase. Why did I go this far to make a point? Every word in the Bible is there for a reason! Amen! We have skipped over things that have been hard to understand or boring to read. We have skipped them sometimes because we thought there was no value there and like the missing puzzle pieces we have filled in the blanks with our own understanding created with our own abilities with our own hands. Instead of relying on the Holy Spirit who teaches us all things we for whatever reason have taught ourselves with books and teachings of man or just left that part of the puzzle blank. Either way we have to do better church.

Scripture like Deuteronomy 7:1 that lists names we can't read are easily often skipped over instead of saying Holy Spirit teach me. The dreaded he begets and listing of the tribes are often not looked at let alone studied and taught. Let me encourage you today to take the puzzle off the wall and remove what was not made from the manufacturer. Holy Spirit of Truth teach us and show us your ways! Amen! Don't be discouraged when things are not working as you thought they should. Let's re-focus on what God has really said and be obedient to His word and then let God be God. We can't make a thing happen as if we were little gods. I'm sorry that is what the TV preachers have taught but it is wrong! I'm sorry you are walking in disappointment but trying to make God work in the way and manner you or somebody who taught you thought up will never work. We will see what God said is his promise and how to receive and keep that promise. Hang in there! You will make it!