Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Are you Living?

Are you living life to its fullest or just barely surviving? Jesus said that he came to give us life and a life full of abundance. Sometimes when I am out in public and look at the faces of people my inner-man cries out for what seems like the walking dead. Even inside the walls of the church I see men and women seemingly trapped by the difficulties of everyday life with looks of hopelessness etched into their faces.

I believe Jesus came to set us free from the bondage and slavery of this world and all its trappings. I believe he came to set us free from the traditions of what man has made of religion and to change our outlook of life from wrongly looking at God only through our circumstances. The facts are that we have become "squatters" in this world when we have been called to be "possessors" of the promise of the Gospel!

Many of us have believed the lies of the ruler of this world that the land is not really ours or that the ones in the land are to strong to overcome. This blog will encourage you and me as I journal how I believe God wants us to claim the land he has promised to us as his children. May God Bless you and make his Spirit alive in you as we take this journey together. Amen!

1 comment:

Tina Louise said...

Honey, Keep on blogging! I've been so blessed by what I'm reading. I've also been inspired to write in my on-line journal and start a blog of my own. So many times the Lord reveals Himself to me in His word, circumstances, and others but when I don't take the time to write it down it loses some of it's signifance in my life. What you are writing is so valuable to the Body of Christ. We need your unique perspective and this challenge to really live in complete freedom and total victory. I was especially moved by what you wrote about Mom. I really miss her too. I know she would be so proud of the man you are and your passion for the Lord. So keep writing even if no one responds. And I encourage others to respond because Brian values your feedback. I'm looking forward to what you have to say next. Love, your wife