Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Living Part 4

OK. So here we go! The first key to living life to its fullest designed purpose and to do more than just hang in there is to believe the truth of the word of God in your life more than lies and accusations of the enemy. The word of the Lord for your life starts with the same commands all of creation must account for. What did you do with knowledge of who Jesus Christ is? I hope by now if you are reading part 4 of my blog that you have made a personal decision to follow Jesus Christ and that your confession of faith in him is voluntary and in this present age. You see everyone will give an account for what they did with the knowledge of who Jesus is in the here and now or later after death and judgement. Every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is the Lord of all!

Asking Jesus to be your savior is just the first step of a journey I like to call our pilgrimage back home. I find the act of freedom and deliverance is similar to the nation of Israel being freed from the bondage of 430 years in Egypt. So now you are set free from your old master and find out there is a promise land of destiny for you and your family. You saw and heard the voice of the Lord as the Israelis did when the ten commandments were given of the Holy Spirit on the Lords mountain. Now to live life to its fullest and to take possession of the land you have to clean house of those that are living there now. Now that is where we like the nation of Israel fail and then never really enjoy our freedom and sometimes look back to our old situation as even better than what it truly was. Remember the nation of Israel complained of the Lords provision of manna and longed for the meat of their old masters in Egypt.

So enough teasing already and let me give you the first and most important key to life and possessing your promise. Jesus summed up the totality of the message of the Bible as how we should relate to God first before anything else. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. This was the most important thing we can do to ensure our life is focused on the right things and more importantly off the wrong things like "ourselves"! Read Deuteronomy 6 and 7 for the background text for the next several posts and have a great day in the love of God. I pray that the blessing of life in total fullness come upon you as you look to heavenly purpose, calling and direction. Amen!

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