Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Living Part 3

I am so thankful for the deposit of inspiration that is in the Bible! I love that every answer to life's questions can be found if we are looking. Many times we see the phrase seek me while I can be found and now is that time. I can't think of a time in the history of man in which knowledge was higher than it is now. Yet with all of man's own wisdom we have not solved any of the difficult issues facing our planet or its inhabitants. All of our technology has not brought the end to famine, war, disease and even happiness.

Many would answer the question of are you living or just getting by based on how happy they are. Wouldn't it be a fair statement if we could be happy all the time we would chose to be? I have found that being happy is based on the conditions of my life and even the Bible say's that in this world we can expect trouble. That same passage goes on to say but be of good cheer because I (Jesus) have overcome the world! So what is the question inside your brain when you chose to have life's circumstances rob you of joy? We have to get the reality of what God has done and is still doing in a real way so that the measure of our checking account doesn't determine how my face shows in public. We have to get a greater deposit of he that overcame this world in us and in our spirit so that a negative natural happening circumstance does not dictate to us how we feel or show the love of Christ to a dying world.

The last time the prophet Dennis Cramer was at our church he said something that we need to think about. He said,"If you are saved please inform your face". So let me encourage you today to tell your face to lift its countenace and show that greater is he that lives in you than he that is in the world. I will soon be doing a lengthy discussion of possesing the promise of God and how to live life to its fullest. I look forward to sharing these things and hope to hear from you of how God's word builds you up. Have a great day!

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