Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Living Part 2

I should let you know that my world view is scripted from the pages of the Bible and that of one who believes in its accuracy and divine inspiration for daily living. I believe only in the wisdom that comes from God and that the person of the Holy Spirit is alive in all believers teaching us in all things.

Now I believe in the fullness of the counsel of God and that we can't pick and chose what to believe and fill in the blanks with our opinions or even hopes. With that said I look forward to any reply that would add or even challenge anything that I put forth as my human condition is prone to error and open for correction. My hope is to add and encourage the body of Christ and not in any way bring injury by bringing any error or confusion to one of God's little lambs.

So back to the question of are you living or just scrapping by? Our God created us to have dominion of this earth and to subdue and keep it for Him. That plan has not changed! So then why are so many stuck in low gear not going anywhere with any purpose? My biggest question to those in my church has been why do we as Christians find it easier to believe a lie of the enemy instead of the truth of our Lord? Let me encourage you today that if you have been bogged down from life and have gotten off that narrow road that Jesus has called us to don't hide yourself away from God as Adam and Eve did. Don't isolate yourself from the body of believers that you belong to in your local assembly.

Get alone with God and have a nice talk! Put down all those how to books and get back to his word! Let the love of God meet you in the arms of another believer on the phone or in a small group or at church. Get connected to the vine and abide in the nourishment that comes from obedience. Now let the fun begin!

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