Monday, September 28, 2009

How's the View?

I am overwhelmed today in the goodness of God and what he has provided for us!  I have an awesome privilege of marrying a couple later this afternoon and I had a chance to hang out with their families last night at the rehearsal dinner. Observing the different families and the conversation it was obvious in an instant that God was showing me something.  Have you ever noticed that people talk about any situation from "their point of view"?

Don't you love it when an answer comes your way that starts out sounding like this....Well, from where I sit or from where I stand or from how I see it...blah blah blah.?  LOL!  Probably not if you are like me.  For so long I have been searching and seeking Gods point of view from the scriptures but then in an instant that spiritual light bulb lit up last night.

And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus!  I think that is what Paul said in Ephesians 2:6 (if not I need to look it up) ...  We are seated with Christ at the right hand of the Father in Heaven right now and never take advantage of that vantage point.  What is the view from there?  What does our situation that we are so burdened with look like from the seat of authority?  What point of view do we have and have not understood that we are at Abba's ear and better yet his face to seek a heavenly position to our earthly condition?  The passage does not say we will be one day at that place BUT are PRESENT TENSE are IN HIM IN THE HEAVENLY REALMS! 

We can change the view from looking far out from earth to heaven and hoping we can get something to fall on us like a dog waiting for a crumb to fall from the table or we can change our "Amish" thinking and accept this fact that we In Christ have the best access and viewpoint ever.  Better than all the wisdom of this earth!  Better than all the advise of "religion" and systems of man!  Better than seeing ourselves as that lowly dog waiting for a crumb!  We need to train our Spiritual eyes and ears for the view from on HIGH!  Having eyes to see and ears to hear!  Isn't that what Jesus kept saying?  Now it makes sense that part of his victory on the Cross was not just for Salvation, Justification and Sanctification but a seat at the table right now.  On earth as it is in Heaven!  WOW!  Thank you Jesus!  I pray you help us today see and hear from your seat down to earth and that we learn this mystery of your kingdom and apply it to our lives.

Hows your view today?  Look down from the seat of Jesus at your life, your problem, your issues, your loved ones and see it from a different vantage point! 

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