Tuesday, September 1, 2009

How low can you go?

An old rabbi said to his students,"In days of old men used to see God". In which one student replied why is that not so today? The rabbi answered,"Because men don't know how to bow down that low anymore".

Jesus said in the best sermon ever on the Mt. of Olives in Matthew 5:3 "Blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. We are to proud! Americans are loud, proud, arrogant and self sufficient. We rely on ourselves and put the trust of all into the hands, intelligence and capabilities of men more than the power of the kingdom of heaven. Humble is not a word that is put into action.

Jesus is telling us that we must take on the attributes of the kingdom of God and that those things we have learned from this world are in total contrast to "the way". Watch our good friends the tv preachers and they will tell you that you are little gods that have so much power, authority and glory that you can create things as God did by just speaking. Never seaking, never hearing and never getting into that lowly position that all those things can happen.

I believe in the power of Pentocost and the work of the Holy Spirit.  I fear that most of what my eyes have seen in the "Pentocostal" movement has been driven by human emotion and not the sustaining power of God.  We are in my opinion at the point where the Prophet Elijah was before he confronted the so called prophets of Baal.  Here is what the Bible says...And Elijah came to all the people, and said,“How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.” But the people answered him not a word. 

People, stop wavering between two opinions.  Stop being tossed to and fro by the tickling of your ears and emotional appeals that look like there is the power of God in it.  How low on the knees is the person having spiritual input into your life????  Maybe they are a dynamic speaker, or maybe they can sing really well or maybe they can stir things up and bring so much emotion into a service that you are moved to Feel something but your life is UNCHANGED!  Let me tell you something that I've said 100 times before.  You can not have an encounter with God and stay the same.  So after all is said and done if you are unchanged it was probably not the power of God moving but something in your mind, will or emotions.

How you can get the wisdom to discern the difference is again in that lowly position our friend the rabbi told his student.  Get on your face and pray to your God.  Stop chasing the Hot air baloon waiting for it to land on you to get some excitement.  God is exciting enough if you find Him right were you are....In your prayer closet.  How low can you go?  Hopefully right where God wants you to be! 

In His Service and Still Under His Mercy!

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