Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Give us Today the Bread we need for Tommorow!

I was at my wife's uncles funeral the other day and something struck me as curious. The "Lords' Prayer" as found in Matthew 6 is known by the saved and unsaved alike. The minister leading the service led everyone in the prayer and all the people knew it word for word. It made me wonder and think why we are so eager to fall back into wrong practices.

OK Brian what are you talking about? Jesus said to pray in this manner; not to repeat this example of prayer. He further said to not pray like the heathens by vain repetitions. I love my brothers and sisters in the main stream denominations and the Catholic Church but repeating this prayer is in direct contradiction to the warning of Jesus right before he spoke it. I would like to share some of my thoughts of pray in this manner and what it means to me.

1. Our Father who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name..... This part of the example of prayer should have sounded familiar to the original listener and readers as this followed the Hebrew prayer of Kaddish which exalts the greatness, splendor, majesty, power and holiness of Father God. It is to settle us and turn our focus rightly towards the author and finisher of our existence and faith. To remind us that only through the adoption as son's through Christs act on the cross can we even communicate with God and come boldly before the throne of grace. It changes our attention off us and towards heaven as it says in Colossians. So for me and when I pray this part of my prayer is to shift my eyes, my thoughts and my entire being towards God.

2. Thy Kingdom come thy will be done as it is in Heaven..... I take this personally and to heart. I know the rebellion in heaven has been dealt with and that as it is in heaven come into my life, my kingdom here on earth. In other words I pray that the same authority and power that overcame the evil and rebellion against God in heaven, that same power come into my life and make it so in my life even now as I live and breathe here on earth. The same evil one that came against the throne of God is also trying to attack my kingdom and even though I am forgiven of my sins by the act of the cross the stain of those sins in my soul (intellect, will and emotions) needs to be overcome. That is nothing in my own strength I can accomplish so Jesus is saying here to invite the power of the Holy Spirit to empower and quicken your mortal soul and body from the consequences of sin. To have his government set up in my life by my life being yielded to his loving perfect authority.

3. Give us this day our daily bread......Or better translated to mean give us today what we require for tomorrow. This again was understood to the hearer of the day as workers labored all day to get paid daily at the end of the day. They took their daily earning to buy what they needed to sustain themselves for tomorrow by most likely buying graines to make bread. The method of weighing the grain was by either pressing down the wheat or shaking the wheat into the container to fill it completely. We are promised to get the required grace from God pressed down and shaken together for the day we are to face. Remember the Bible tells us that we do not go through more than what God says we are able to endure. The key though is that we must make room for the grace in our life daily to receive it. Put yourself into the shoes of again the listener here. When he went to the market to get his wheat he probably said give me a container full of wheat. He had of coarse to pay for it from the work he just got done that day. We must work out our salvation daily and not take it for granted. We can't receive from the storehouse of heaven unless we put in the work to seek him first.

Well this post is getting a bit long so I will break it up into a part two. If you have any questions, complaints, gripes or discussions I would love to hear your input.
In His Service!


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