Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Don't be like Esau

The worst thing we can do as a church is nothing. The writer of Hebrews in chapter 12 verse 17 says, "You know that afterwards, when he wanted to receive the blessing that the firstborn son was to receive, he was rejected. Even though he begged and cried for the blessing, he couldn't do anything to change what had happened."

This is reminding us of the story of Esau and as individuals and as the church we are to value the things of God more than this world. Esau as you remember rejected his blessing from God and his earthly father by being caught up in disobedience and caring little for what he "presumed" would always be his. In other words his thoughts were it was already his and he did not have to do anything to get it. Much like the church today and people in it, we hear messages of blessings of God but not the responsibility of receiving and caring for that blessing.

People and churches that think like Esau only care about themselves and the blessings they can get. I would dare say that they care little about the person of Jesus Christ and the price he paid to pour out the grace of heaven unto us. For a single meal Esau gave up the rights and blessings of God and his earthly father. What is in your bowl? What are you putting ahead of your relationship with God? Don't be fooled that the blessing of salvation is something you make with your mind and not live it out with your heart. Don't be fooled that you can pursue the lusts of your soul like Esau and then come crying with earthly sorrow when you are rejected of God. Hebrews 6:4-8 tells of this kind of false salvation. Jesus said that many will call upon me Lord, Lord and he will say depart from me I never knew you!

Our salvation is not just hearing the word and making an intellectual or emotional decision as given in the parable of the seed. We must cultivate the soil of our lives and let the word grow inside us and through us. We must deny ourselves and unlike Esau we must live for righteousness and value the blessing of our salvation and grace of God. We must defend our faith and when we see others getting weary like a boxer in a long fight we must remind them to keep their arms up to protect themselves and get the strength back in their legs. That's what is mentioned earlier in Hebrews 12:12-13. We as a church do nothing when we see others getting beaten up.

We see them drop out of church. We see them grow weary of the fight and do little or nothing to give them the strength they need to continue to fight. We watch as they fall into temptations and pursue things that are not called of God in their lives. We watch their marriages fall apart and their children get devoured in the process. We like Esau do nothing to the most valued blessing on earth and that my friends is the Church;the Bride of Christ. We must do better. We are called to do more and instructed to if I read my Bible correctly.

Esau made no confession of sin but just remorse for what he lost. We can learn from this! We must be a people who are fast to repent and fast to pray for others we know are hurting. Take time today to value your blessing. Take time today to remove the weeds from your soil and let the word of God grow deep and do its nourishing work in you. Pray for others in your prayer closet. Call up a friend you know can use a kind word and an encouraging prayer. Come to church with your hands up and your legs under you! Value the blessing of your salvation!

In His Service!

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