Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Has it been that long?

Hello all!  A lot in life has changed since my last post and I apologize for not keeping up to date but there were more pressing issues.  Tomorrow is not promised to anyone nor is the tomorrow that you thought you would have or have worked and planned for.

Thats the lesson I learned in the last 20 months through many trials and tears and yet I am thankful to our God and King for the grace to carry me through.  Amen.  My wife of 23 years and best friend for 28 years all of the sudden just left me and the kids and has already remarried.  Ill spare you the details as they dont matter as it relates to this blog but I will tell you it knocked me and the world as I knew it for a trip out of orbit.  The hardest part was watching my three great children suffer and cope through it as well with not much I could do but pray, trust God and love on them.

So what I can say and report is this.  God is good!  He has been faithful to me even though my wife wasnt.  He has been a protector of me when the enemy tried to take my youngests life in the midst of all this.  He has provided finance in the midst of a finacial attack.  He has blossomed love in my oldest son and daughters lives as they have found significant others and the ones they will vow the rest of their lives together.  He has brought my friends close.  He has taken away all bitterness and replaced some of my thinking with a new understanding.  What the enemy thought would tear me down the God of the Universe has used it to make be stronger!

Take nothing for granted.  Assume nothing.  Run after God!  Those are the hard lessons of this in a nutshell.  I pray you dont have to cry the same tears as I to also learn these things and that you live today serving the Lord and the purpose he has created you for with everything within you.  Shalom!

Brian Winograd

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