Sunday, August 29, 2010

Muslim Center near 9-11 site

I've been in many discussions lately over the issue of a Muslim Center near the World Trade Center site better known as Ground Zero in Manhattan. I've been shocked by the anger, venom and hatred spewed by my brothers and sisters in Christ.

I'm shocked by how distracted the church is today in the politics of man and forgets the teachings of the head of the Church. Muslims are at this very time more vulnerable to the testimony of Jesus Christ more than any other time in History. In a time when we we as Christians are called to love our neighbor as Jesus summed up all the law into love your Lord with all your heart, and to love your neighbor as yourself, we find a way to get caught up in politics.

I get all the arguments, really I do. But, how does this show them, our neighbor and maybe even our enemy the love of Christ? How does opposing this give the power of the gospel any chance to glorify God in this situation? If we believe the words of Jesus, and I do, then how can we add the rhetoric up and justify the hate through our saviors message of how we are to win them over??

Who is our neighbor? Just the ones that look and sound like us? Agree with us? Dress like us?? Are they not also created in the image of God and didn't the blood of Jesus spill out for their salvation as well? Let us not also forget the blood of US young men and women in the armed forces that have died to give all citizens an equal opportunity for enjoyed freedom in this great land!

I say we win them over with the love of God! I say we show them the power of forgiveness as Christ has forgiven us and first loved us. I say to let the testimony of the only God that has given His life so we can live be shown to them as living testimonies. Our lives need to be grounded and led by the power of the Holy Spirit and not by Fox News or Facebook Groups that want to stir us up in our emotions.

We as the church need to do a better job when the world gives us an opportunity to shine in the crisis. 9-11, Katrina, etc. etc are all opportunities for us to show the real power of God alive on earth today and yet we sit by passively and let the government take front row center leadership. Let us respond to the call of action by showing our love for the Lord Jesus Christ by being his ambassador's and doing His will here on earth as it is already in Heaven.

In His Service!

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