Thursday, December 30, 2010

So you say you have the truth and speak for God........Really??

Denomination Blues and other miscellaneous thoughts. I have been around the church scene now since 1974 and along the way I have seen and heard about everything you can imagine. The consistent theme I have seen is how every sect of Christianity claims to have the truth and how arrogant this has come across to me.

Lately I have seen a methodical plan of attack against all Protestant and Catholic beliefs by the “Messianic” sect of Christ followers. Its no different than the others when they claim all truth or pure truth and that all others are misguided at best and not even saved at worst. I remember when the Reformed Theology bunch started their militant Calvinistic attacks against their non-suspecting brothers and sisters who like me believe that as much God is Sovereign and calls me it is also partly my responsibility to recognize, validate and answer that selection or call of God.

The argument that if God has not elected me or called me as part of his Kingdom that I was doomed to hell no matter if I recognized who He is and surrendered to his call of salvation or if I was not part of the “elect” few than it was hopeless for me. If that is indeed how God works then how can one be sure they are in that group? And sure we all use scripture to back all our points of view and the church we attend stance and dogma but is it total truth? Can any of us say that for sure on each stance we so forcible take? O, we are so good at drawing lines in the sand.

I'm tired of peoples opinions and even their ideas of Gods Kingdom and am only interested in the Bible from God's point of view. But here is my argument today to all my brothers and sisters of all different denominations and sects if you will follow this blog entry just a bit further. How can we know in such certainty the things of God that we would heap hot coals on or at another believer if they do not believe exactly as us??

Indulge me further for arguments sake. I have been married to a wonderful woman for 23 going on 24 years now. Before marriage she and I dated for 5 years. During this entire 28 year process I have tried to get close to and know this woman that I have covenant with and yes even love with all my heart. We have spent countless hours on the phone, writing letters, and talking. We have been through thick and thin and back again, with lots of laughs and tears. We have gone through raising 3 children and taking care of and watching loved ones die. We have struggled in many areas and also have been mightily blessed. My point is this....after all these years I still don't know this woman in all she is and she does not know me entirely. The point could be made who can fully know a! But I have devoted my life to this woman and yet can I fully speak for her or know her every word of intention or purpose even when it comes to me? NO WAY! Now before you say Brian you need help in your marriage I would ask you to say what other person in life do you really know fully? Do you even know who you are in all things?

We are so complex and also so mortal. Who can speak for God? Who can be so arrogant as to say I have total truth? He sits outside of time! He knows the end from the beginning! He knows the hairs on your head and every little detail not just about you but every man, woman and child breathing, not breathing and not yet breathing as well as every living and dead thing here and in the entire universe.....and YOU WANT TO TELL ME WHAT HE THINKS AND SPEAK FOR HIM?????

This is the same arrogance of the first sin and that is one of PRIDE! Are any of you greater than the Apostles? They confessed to only know in part and to not have a clear picture of all the things of the Kingdom. We are lucky when we get glimpses! We are blessed to be invited to start with God and see where this journey of walking out and working out our salvation takes us. Let us remember that our ride on this planet is exactly that.....uniquely ours and my walk with fear and trembling into the call and purposes of God most likely will not look like yours. Sorry if that makes you conformist uncomfortable. We are not to conform to a system or style but to our maker. We are not going to be satisfied in any yoke other than that of Christ! So be ready to give an account and stand for what you believe and don't stop the journey. But in all things show love to your brothers and sisters even if they don't agree with your position. Give them the grace to hear you and your point and then to let God be God. Pray and Fast for them if you really are worried about what they believe or practice but you can't be the Holy Spirit for me or anyone else. More important though is to remember that all of us have been shown so much love and grace from heaven even in our ignorance, our sin, and our foolish pride that we should not be so unloving and so provoking to others. That is how they will know we are Christians not in what we agree but in how we act in disagreement. In a moment we all we be transformed into perfection and we will know Him as He is......Until then, let love prevail!

In His Service and Under His Mercy! Brian