Friday, July 23, 2010

An Open Letter to the Church


I have been in much prayer and sorrow for the mechanism of the church for many years now. The Lord has used me from a young believer until now to be part of pioneering three different churches at different stages of my life. My eyes have witnessed much and sadly the testimony and witness of these three places of worship have fallen short of the purpose, calling and instructions of whence they first began.

This letter is not to go into any details of the negative experience’s or to judge, condemn or crucify my brothers and sisters in the Lord. In His Service Ministries seeks to find the truth and teach on those findings from a Biblical perspective. I hope this paper encourages you to ignite a conversation within your church to come back to the heart of the function of the body of Christ.

From the beginning of time God looked to bless the world through His people. We see a picture of this in the story of Joseph saving Egypt and also Israel. Romans 1:21 says in the NLT, “Yes, they knew God, but they wouldn't worship him as God or even give him thanks. And they began to think up foolish ideas of what God was like. The result was that their minds became dark and confused.” We often look upon this writing as for the “unbeliever” but lets for this papers sake look at it as where the nation of Israel was spiritually when Christ arrived and then apply it the mechanism of the church today.

Israel had traded the intention of God for relationship with him and also being a blessing to the nations for religious ceremonies and sets of human structure. The law was given to Moses when Israel rejected the offer of relationship and to worship him in spirit and truth after being taken out of slavery. The law as we know was a taskmaster to show our need for Messiah Yeshua, Jesus Christ. Jesus said that he came to restore that which was lost. What was lost from Adam, to the Sinai failure till then was that relationship for a called out people of which God looked to bless the world.

Enter the church age! That is the purpose of the mechanism of the church today. We are called corporately to worship in spirit and truth and to be a blessing to a dying and lost world! The church then is God’s appointed society whose main function is to bless the world! As Joseph was used for the salvation of Egypt so are we to bring God’s saving truth, love, grace, mercy, compassion and so much more to all of mankind. Instead what man has done is once again fallen into ceremonies and human practices and doctrines of man.

The society of the body of Christ, the church, is supposed to be then a place of equipment of the saints for the salvation of the world. One might say from that statement that I believe Evangelism is the work of every saint and I would say, yes and amen. Are all evangelists? No! Are all Prophets? No! Are all Pastors and Teachers? No! Are all Apostles? No! But all are to be ready to give an account of the good news that is in them. All are supposed to be salt and light. All are supposed to live in such a manner that when we lift Jesus up people can’t help but come to us like an insect is drawn to a bright light.

Isaiah 56 gives us a harsh picture of what happens when the leaders of the church are not in tune with what God’s purposes are. God is always calling and wooing people to His Mountain with the same offer of relationship, worship and salvation. The people suffer from well and ill intentioned leaders that have lost their way from the basic purpose and truth of what they are made to be. We are, as I heard a good Biblical teacher named Eugene Smith, say,” The current representation of Jesus Christ alive on earth today”!

Jesus did not stay inside the walls of the temples and synagogues only being with the “healthy”. Have you noticed how weak and impotent the mechanism of the church body has become from staying inside her walls? Remember King Zedekiah had to watch his own sons being put to death and then had his own eyes gouged out? How many leaders in the church today are watching their own being killed and are blind to the reasons or the remedies? Or worse….assigning the blame of their spiritual defeats on the congregation as if they are purposely trying to thwart them from succeeding.

Paul teaches us that the purpose of the church is to be the holding place of the love and grace of God poured out to all in a very apparent way. This is how I see Ephesians 3:10-11. We love the verse that says we can now come boldly in verse 12 but forget that it’s not for us to feel good about our position in him but to be a visible proof that the one we profess is manifest in our midst. Amen!

Another great picture of the church walking in its purpose can be found in Ezekiel 47:12 which paints this image of a healthy, vibrant body,” All kinds of fruit trees will grow along both sides of the river. The leaves of these trees will never turn brown and fall, and there will always be fruit on their branches. There will be a new crop every month, without fail! For they are watered by the river flowing from the Temple. The fruit will be for food and the leaves for healing." Let this be so even in our day is my prayer.

Let us repent of making the church about buildings, programs, leader’s ministries or anything other than to worship him, have fellowship with him and complete his work of freeing the captives from the gates of Hell. Let us get back to the encouragement of the Apostles to train, equip and send out to do that work. Let us lift our stiff necks up to heaven and also to the cross. Let us be the people that bless the nations with the God of our salvation.

In His Service and Under His Mercy!
Brian Winograd