Wednesday, February 4, 2009

And Forgives us our debts

Hello again everyone. We have been looking at how we should pray as exampled to us in Matthew 6 commonly known as the Lords Prayer. In the last blog entry we stated that Jesus did not institute a new prayer for us to repeat mindlessly but rather a manner in which to pray. We discussed in little detail what each section means to me and how it reminds me of certain elements I bring to my prayer as I think on this section of Matthew 6 and our Lords words.

We left of in the part of the prayer of give us this day our daily bread and we will pick it up from there.

1. And forgive us our debts..... Yes! We can't stand before a Holy God with unrepentant sin in our life and expect to be heard. The prayers of the righteous accomplishes much. We are not in a right relationship with God while we are knowingly disobeying his will and claiming the act of the cross once again into our lives. We need this forgiveness as a lifeline for our spiritual health. Think on it this way if you will. We can eat all the organic whole foods for our natural bodies but if our colon is blocked and full of disease we will not gain the nourishment from it and still remain sick. Without forgiveness flowing in our life we are spiritually constipated. Oh No! Did he really say that? What this church generation needs is a spiritual enema!! And the medicine is a daily dose of forgiveness. Forgive is Father once again and once again keep us tender to quickly come to you and others as we sin.

2. As we forgive our debtors.... This is a part people look past in prayer and their daily christian walk. We cry out to God and ask for forgiveness and our bread for tomorrow and yet we do not truly forgive others of their trespass against us. In the same manner you forgive others is the manner in which your Heavenly Father will forgive you. Houston we have a problem! This is where we become sickly and diseased as believers is becoming deceived in thinking we are alright when we are filled with the poison of unforgiveness or the old I forgive you but I won't forget what you did syndrome. Which one of us wants our God to forgive us in that manner??? We are to take the example of again the cross by learning from these words...."Father forgive them for they know not what they do." Think and chew on that for awhile and then ask yourself if things are not flowing in your life like they once did could it be because you are holding on to hurts, pains, issues that your should have gotten rid of years ago. Maybe its yourself you need to forgive but let me encourage you to be free in Jesus is to be free indeed of all that junk.

3. Lead us not into temptation.... I hate that English version! God would not lead you into temptation. Jesus was saying that we should pray for God's strength to accomplish his will and to not yield into temptations. The fact that this comes right on the heals of forgiveness of others would clearly say to me that the temptation to ignore this part of the prayer is strong. Why? It is very difficult to die to yourself and confront others who you need to ask them to forgive you or the other way around. Also we need the Holy Spirit to guide us through and protect us through times of tempting. It's like us saying today, "Don't go down that road". IF we are diligently seeking him first and living a disciplined life we can pray for God to go before us an keep us from the very things our flesh will struggle with today.

4. But deliver us from evil..... In the times when we do face evil and the evil one GOD DELIVER US!! God fight for us! God protect us! Be our strength and smash the mouth of our enemies. God I need you when I am tempted to cover me like you did the doorposts of Israel with the saving blood so that this spirit of death would pass over me. Deliver me from the evil one and teach me to rely on you in times when darkness closes in.

5. For thine is Kingdom and Power and Glory Forever, Amen! That speaks once again that all Praise and Purpose for this life should be aimed at the one who holds it all together. Live for him today and forever.

I hope this breakdown of this prayer model has encouraged you and challenged you to think differently when you do pray. Go out and practice today in your prayer closet and with somebody else. Get a prayer partner and magnify the name of Jesus today.

In His Service!
