Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I was in a local market recently and stopped by my favorite french fry stand (Brickers Fries) and talked with the owner. I have been stopping by Craig's booth for years and over time we have formed a great relationship. Anyway he like to introduce me to people that are at his stand and always announces to people to watch their language because Brian is a man of God. Pretty cool!

Anyway, he introduced me to another gentleman that was also a Pastor. I asked him about his church and he just hung his head and then gave me the following not so uncommon story. He was the retired Pastor of this congregation but had stuck around. He told me the church is mixed between members his age and a crowd in their 30's. He went on to say that the older crowd loved hymns and the younger crowd loved modern worship. They had come to an agreement to do the worship service with 50% of each style of worship. Well over the next year the crowd of younger folks grew bigger and they either forgot or ignored the request of sharing the style of songs and before you knew it there was a big controversy in that body. To make a long story short they could not as Christian brethren come to the grace needed to work this out and so the church split. Over 100 people left the church along with to my surprise this retired Pastor.

Can I say this without anybody getting mad at me??? Worship is not for YOU! Worship is something we present to the Lord and not because it feels good but because we get to. One day every knee will bow before the Lord willing or not in worship but for now we get the honor and privilege to come before Him and give back to him a part of the perfect love he has given us. The bi-product of that is feeling His awesome presence and being drawn into his Glory. If and listen carefully, if that is why you worship you worship amiss. Worship is about blessing God and filling your selfish soulish wants.

Style of music is selfish and soulish! Grow up church! It's not about you. I repeat. It's not about you! How you feel. How many fast or slow songs. How many new or old songs. How long or short it is. All of that is irrelevant to what you bring before the Lord. Stop giving the enemy a foothold into your mind and into the bride of Christ by having these evil desires devour what the Lord is and wants to do among us. Repent before your God for bringing division inside the very place of worship and repent before your church leaders for your attitude. Give worship and if you are in the house of worship the Lord has called you be faithful. It may mean a trip to the cross for your flesh but it will end the battle in you and the strife if any in your church.

In His Service.

Brother Brian

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What is the Church Doing?

Our family had company over last night as we often do and we talked about many things. Can you tell me what your church is doing? That is my question. Many will answer back with times of service and the many programs that their church is keeping busy doing but what is the statement the "church" is sending to the community?

Television style ministries and copy cat cookie cutter churches and programs rule the day. But when you go to the street and ask a person that lives in the community what that church does you would be crushed to find out what their answer is. Most would say they didn't even notice that there was a church there. Most would say that they are turned off by the constant plea for money and empty promises from the pulpit that have no root in Biblical interpretation.

I tried to watch "Christian" television last night on 6 different channels and the biggest message that I heard was to send in money. 1 Timothy 6:3-9 tells of how many will be attracted to being church leaders but with the wrong motives. Jesus said that we are his workmanship created for the expressed purpose of doing good works. We are not saved by these works but we show that the same Spirit that rose Christ from the dead is alive in us and it quickens us to do the works of Jesus on earth today. What a concept!

What is your church doing to the least of these? Or does your church just pay attention to those that can support them with finances? What do the people around your church testify about you and the benefit of having your church in their community? Do they know you are there? Do they know you care? Let's stop playing church and start being the church.

In His Service and Under His Mercy!

Brother Brian