Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Confusion is not from God

Did you know that the author and finisher of our faith is not a God that authors confusion? There is a great deal of confusion in the body of Christ today and that is a sad statement regarding the level of maturity in our leaders and congregations.

I was reading a sermon this morning from Smith Wigglesworth that was delivered to a bunch of church leaders in the 1920's. He was talking to them from a position of integrity of the walk he had been and still was living. He said that he does not read books other than the Bible. He said he never refers to himself while preaching. He said while others liked to tell stories about others and meetings they had in the past he only preached the gospel. He taught that the power was in the word of God and not anything in him that he could give except the truth of Jesus Christ.

Charles Finney was also a man of great integrity. He was so careful to not let man put him on a pedestal that he would shut down meetings when they got out of order. Today we have people chasing after a group of self proclaimed "special anointed" men and women to get something of them all in the name of Jesus.

All the while they say they are standing on the foundation of these men of integrity and are walking in and past their level of anointing. We have false teachings and glorification of angels, prophets, and such self promotion that confusion abounds. Error is even embraced as long as the desired outcome is reached in the eye's of the people. We have third heaven visitations and cultist manifestations and mind control and and men and women in leadership are flocking towards this like bugs to a night light.

There is a vacuum in leadership in today's church and an absolute drought of the word of God. You know we have no power to make the Bible say what we want it to! God has intentioned his word to be understood and in the manner he has ordained. In other words we can't manipulate the word to suit ourselves as if we are gods to ourselves. The word of God can not mean something today that it never meant when it was written. It can not have a different understanding than that of which the people who first read it understood it or better yet the first writers inspired by the Holy Spirit meant it.

Nobody can tell you what I really mean to convey in my writings but me. You can say, "Well this is what I think it means" but without talking with me about this blog you would make some wrong conclusions. Without having the teacher of all things reveal his word to you in study you can be deceived to believe a false conclusion and therefore have wrong application of the word of God in your life. That is confusion and that my friend is not of God.

Stop being fed from men and women falsehoods about the kingdom of God! We will talk about things that are in confusion and abound in the church today that are misunderstood and misapplied. They are anointing, glory, word of knowledge, power, worship, impartation, mantels, soaking, trips to third heaven, etc. We will explore the word of God and see what is truth and what is fiction. Stay tuned and God Bless your day.