Monday, May 26, 2008

Revival? Still Watching

I have been silent on the Blog for some time and have been very busy elsewhere. I have also been watching the "Healing Revival" taking place in Florida. My time watching this has not been one of great joy as many have been sharing with me in my circle. I have also been tired for some time since the 1990's and the Toronto and Brownsville movements trying to make sense of why God is good to us despite our willingness to get what he doing wrong.

Now don't hear me wrong here, I am not saying these movements of the past or what is happening in Florida is not of God but how we as the church react to it. Follow along with me if you will. I have watched over 20 hours of this event on God TV and I see a lot of God's love being poured out to His people. I also see, hear and feel lots of man's pride. My phone has been ringing off the hook from friend and family all over the country and they all have the same things to say that I find curious.

The focus of the reports I hear from past events and this one are focused on a person in leadership or gold dust and gold teeth and not the Love of Christ for His Bride! I was also at a leadership conference recently that talked about having new wine skins to contain the new wine that God wants to give. I heard also that we need not be defenders of what God has done so much as to leave room for God to do new works today. HMMMM???

Although I agree with these statements to a group of leaders who are mature I can also see that people will react how they want. There is a feeling of old Jewish Mysticism and 2nd century Gnosticism mixed in together here in the mass of people at these events. I don't look for gold dust or gold teeth but Salvation's as a true marker of the fruit of a revival. Charles Finney said that the power of God's presence would show up to bring conviction of sin and conversion to righteousness. I'm not set up to judge these current events or past events in any other way as to ask where are the conversions??? Isn't that the ultimate healing?

I have seen my share of God's healing power. I have to line up what God is doing today as with what he has done in the past. I have to discount the teaching that tells me that God would do something today or tomorrow that would disagree with the Word of God. Jesus healed people and did miracles to draw people to repentance. To look back at Toronto and Brownsville we should have seen a great influx of people into our churches and the facts are that church membership and attendance is down all over North America. I would say that whatever God is doing today in Florida or in your backyard let us not lose sight that we who are saved should look to be refreshed in these movements but for the betterment of our towns and cities and the lost. If all this is going to be is another feel good display of self absorbed self seeking what can God do for me events than count me out.

I pray that you join with me and pray that we respond to what God is doing in a proper way for his Glory. Amen!